Compute optimization

What if users could turn their extra compute resources into extra income?

High level concept

Just like how you can rent out spare rooms in your house, users could sell back unused compute capacity month to month, increasing the efficiency of our data centers while helping our users make a profit. Users could only pay for what they use, and make money off the extra unused compute capacity.


What if we re-thought our entire Cloud market strategy? Currently, users must commit to a monthly quota and if they don't use it all they are still charged the same amount as any other month. Let's eliminate the waste and allow our users to make money off their extra resources!

Here's how it could work for Hybrid Cloud deployments:

1. Customers would be able to scan and intelligently find spare capacity within their data centers.

2. They could 'sell' that spare capacity back to SaaS cloud users as new data center locations which IBM Cloud would manage for them.

3. SaaS customers using that new data center would have greater choice and could pay a premium for location specific data centers. This would most likely benefit our small or medium sized enterprise customers.

4. This effectively allows Hybrid Cloud customers get to sell their spare compute to SaaS customers with IBM Cloud being the broker in the middle.

Here's how it could work for SaaS:

1. SaaS users would still select and commit to a monthly usage plan based on their individual needs, similar to a phone plan.

2. At the end of the month, they could sell the resources they have remaining to the highest bidder in our IBM Marketplace.

3. If at any point a user finds they need additional resources they can buy from another user at the IBM Marketplace.

Let's stand out from our competitor's by becoming the AirBnB of Cloud!
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