Animated layouts

What if we took a more modern, innovative approach to our UI, unconstrained by todays patterns and components and focused on what the user needs in that moment?

High level concept

By creating reusable layouts with animation directly built in, we can help guide our users through our product while at the same time saving our design and development teams time and resources designing layouts so they can focus on creating new features for our users.


What if we rethought how we design and develop our UIs? By applying motion principles and techniques across the platform we can not only develop a consistent motion design language, but guide our users, reduce cognitive load, and save our users time. We could design and develop reusable templates that teams across the platform could put to use for their products with their own unique touches, maintaining consistency while at the same time the individual pieces particular to that product or service. This would save our teams valuable work time, allowing them to focus on further functionalities that will improve our product. We could take it even further than template design - what if we rethought how users interact with UI? By implementing proven techniques while experimenting with new ones we could change the face of our platform to an updated, modern UI.
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